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2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA) for Hickman County School District |


Proficient Reading: 30%

Distinguished Reading: 14%

Proficient Math: 35%

Distinguished Math: 9%

Middle School

Proficient Reading: 34%

Distinguished Reading: 15%

Proficient Math: 30%

Distinguished Math: 10%

High School

Proficient Reading: 31%

Distinguished Reading: 33%

Proficient Math: 25%

Distinguished Math: 20%

2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA) for Hickman County High School 

Proficient Reading: 31%

Distinguished Reading: 33%

Proficient Math: 25%

Distinguished Math: 20%

2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment Results (KSA) for Hickman County Middle School 

Proficient Reading: 34%

Distinguished Reading: 15%

Proficient Math: 30%

Distinguished Math: 10%

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Use the STOP Tipline to report bullying, violence or other school issues. You may report anonymously, or choose to be contacted.
If this is an EMERGENCY please dial 911.
Kentucky Office of Homeland Security is proud to provide an email tipline to all Kentucky schools.
The Safety Tipline, Online Prevention or S.T.O.P Tipline is designed for use as an "online" reporting/prevention tool. If students, parents or community members know of an unsafe situation in school (bullying, weapons, drugs or alcohol, etc.), they can anonymously pass on that information to school personnel by using this basic email format.


Michael Bartimus

School Resource Officer

270-653-4044 ext 2027


Doug Love

School Resource Officer

270-653-4067 ext 4155