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Proficient Reading: 40%

Distinguished Reading: 13%

Proficient Math: 33%

Distinguished Math: 10%

Middle School

Proficient Reading: 34%

Distinguished Reading: 21%

Proficient Math: 40%

Distinguished Math: 10%

High School

Proficient Reading: 47%

Distinguished Reading: 6%

Proficient Math: 40%

Distinguished Math: 2%

Proficient Reading: 40%

Distinguished Reading: 13%

Proficient Math: 33%

Distinguished Math: 10%

Proficient Reading: 47%

Distinguished Reading: 6%

Proficient Math: 40%

Distinguished Math: 2%

Proficient Reading: 34%

Distinguished Reading: 21%

Proficient Math: 40%

Distinguished Math: 10%

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Special Education

Special Education Department

The Hickman County School System ensures that all exceptional children who reside within this district and who are between the ages of three and twenty-one will have available to them a free and appropriate public education, including special education and related services to meet their unique needs. This district also ensures that the rights of exceptional children and their parents will be protected as required by P.L. 94-142 Education of the Handicap Act, P.L. 101-476 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and P.L. 99-457 Preschool Handicap Act. These services and procedural safeguards will be provided in accordance with the requirements of the Kentucky Revised Statutes, Kentucky Administrative Regulations, Federal Regulations, and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. The confidentiality procedures will apply to the records maintained on all children ages birth through twenty-one.

If you know of a child who may be in need of special education services, please contact the superintendent’s office at 653-2341.

Christel Nall

Director of Special Education

270-653-4067 ext 4135
Christel Nall


In accordance with district procedures and records retention guidelines, Hickman County School District is required to maintain special education records for three (3) years after the date of the last activity. Therefore, the school district will destroy all records three years after graduation or three years after a student has exited a special education program. If you have reason to believe you will need these records at a later date, you must notify the Hickman County School District, that you want the records prior to the designated time for destruction. Please be aware that you may need information from the records for social security benefits or other purposes. . If you wish to obtain your records, please call the Hickman County Board Office at 270-653-2341.